23 March, 2011

IELTS Writing Task - 2 : Agree/Disagree

Some people think that children some academic subjects which will be beneficial to their future careers. Therefore, other subjects such as music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is a matter of discussion for the parents and the counselors whether too much strict imposition of discipline has adverse effect on children or obedience is beneficial. However, both the beliefs has its own pros and cons, so, before commenting on a decision both the aspects must be examined.
Focusing on the former view, it can be said that this conventional method has been practiced since ages as it has significant advantages. The biggest advantage is that obedience is a good virture and breeded from childhood can definitely help them in their future professional and personal lives. In addition, it also moulds behavior, speech and skill to analyses and act according to situations. This is because the children by listening learn the reason why some actions must be done. They also learn ways of time management and approaching a task in an orderly fashion.
On the other side, too much control definitely weakens the fighting back spirit in the young. Being constantly instructed or ordered, retards their ability of independent thinking. As the children when controlled make no mistakes, do not encounter failure, this makes them impractical towards problem solving. In fact, a little amount of independence helps them to introspect and recognize their own potentials. Moreover, there is always a threat that too much control can turn them into a rebel. This would not help them to solve problems but could create them.
In my opinion, I would state that until a certain age, obeying rules and listening to elders should be mandatory; however, children past 14 to 15 years must be left on their own to take decisions under the keen but no interfering presence of the parents and teachers.
Thus, it can be concluded that discipline should be imbibed in children by initial strict approach and then gradually loosening the reins. So as to make the children ready to fight their adverse situations and are able to survive the worst.

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